A second residence and a second passport is for many wealthy individuals and their families, especially those that live in conflict areas, a safety net. Buy luxury real estate in Spain is your ideal route and the Golden Visa has many investment options: Minimum investment €500,000 in real estate. €2,000,000 capital investment in Spanish Public…
Uno de los principales beneficios de la Golden Visa Portugal es su sistema educativo, uno de los mejores de Europa. Desde el año 2000, la OCDE u Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos y el PISA o Programa para la Evaluación Internacional de los Alumnos ha informado de que Portugal es el único…
With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, businesses worldwide have had to rethink their operations with many becoming more virtual and with more flexible parameters. Corporate executives, businessmen and entrepreneurs have realized that the global economy is less dependent on the location of the business and the work-from-anywhere is proving to be a…
From January 2022, the changes the Portuguese government has made to the Golden Visa Portugal will become effective. There are three ways by which an investor can avail of the Portugal Golden Visa: An investor can make an outright purchase of real estate property whether for private or commercial purposes. An investor can invest capital…
Andorra is a tiny independent principality located between France and Spain in the Pyrenees mountains. It known mostly for its ski resorts and having a favorable tax regime where there are no wealth, inheritance or capital gains tax. It also boasts of having one of the best healthcare systems in the world if not the…
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