• Orience International & Summit Venture Partners entra en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos

    Orience International & Summit Venture Partners entra en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos

    Orience International & Summit Venture Partners, la consultora y fondo de inversión que se dedica a la compra, alquiler y reforma de propiedades inmobiliarias en Europa, da un paso más en su estrategia de crecimiento e internacionalización y entra a operar, por primera vez, en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Esta acción supone un salto estratégico…

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  • Atractivos de Barcelona para comprar un inmueble

    Atractivos de Barcelona para comprar un inmueble

    Barcelona es una de las ciudades más atractivas de Europa para los inversores extranjeros. Comprar un inmueble en la ciudad condal se ha convertido en algo habitual, considerando la alta rentabilidad que genera a los compradores. Inversores alemanes, franceses, americanos o escandinavos, pero especialmente procedentes del mercado chino, dan cuenta del éxito a medio y…

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  • Investment in Spain: A guide for Chinese businesses

    Investment in Spain: A guide for Chinese businesses

    Spain is one of the countries that receives most people from other countries, both for tourism and expatriation. China continues to be the world’s largest source of tourism, and they constitute a very important and consolidated immigrant community in Spain, with a considerably long history. One of the characteristics of Chinese residents in Spain is…

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  • Investing in Madrid from a long distance

    Investing in Madrid from a long distance

    When you are an investor you are always looking to grow your investments, and sometimes a good idea is to buy property abroad or set up a business in another country, because this way you can diversify your income, and having easy access to Europe and elsewhere is always a great advantage. The Golden Visa…

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  • How to invest in Spain

    How to invest in Spain

    When it comes to investing abroad, some people may be hesitant and think it is a risky move, but for others, it can be a great opportunity for growth. This largely depends on the source of the investor and where the person who wants to invest will ultimately invest his or her funds. According to…

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