• St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship: New Investment Opportunities

    St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship: New Investment Opportunities

    St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship by investment has announced the availability of a new Alternative Investment Option (AIO): privately-funded privately-owned developments, known as a Private Enterprise Developer (PED), and privately-funded state-owned developments, known as a Public Good Project Developer (PGPD). The two additional investment alternatives are designed to give investors more flexibility and to encourage…

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  • Why we should plan for retirement

    Why we should plan for retirement

    Retirement is a period of life in which we shall find ourselves in a situation of higher vulnerability than in earlier phases. The more precise our objectives are, the better we will be able to plan for retirement. Certain contingencies are more likely to arise, such as sickness or circumstances of reliance, and it is…

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  • Por qué debemos planificar la jubilación

    Por qué debemos planificar la jubilación

    La jubilación es un periodo de la vida en el que nos encontraremos en una situación de mayor vulnerabilidad que en fases anteriores. Cuanto más precisos sean nuestros objetivos mejor podremos planificar la jubilación. Es más probable que surjan ciertos imprevistos, como una enfermedad o circunstancias de dependencia, y es fundamental que estemos bien preparados…

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  • Debo declarar los bienes en el extranjero en España si soy residente español?

    Debo declarar los bienes en el extranjero en España si soy residente español?

    En 2012, el ministro Cristóbal Montoro creó el Modelo 720 de la Agencia Tributaria, que obligaba a declarar los bienes en el extranjero con el objetivo de luchar contra el fraude. Este modelo fue aprobado mediante la Orden HAP/72/2013, de 30 de enero, por la que se aprueba el modelo 720, declaración informativa sobre bienes…

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  • Do I have to declare foreign assets in Spain if I am a Spanish resident?

    Do I have to declare foreign assets in Spain if I am a Spanish resident?

    In 2012, Minister Cristóbal Montoro created the Model 720 of the Tax Agency, which made it compulsory to declare foreign assets abroad with the aim of fighting against fraud. This model was approved by Order HAP/72/2013, of January 30, which approves model 720, informative declaration on assets and rights located abroad, referred to in the…

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