Non Lucrative Residency

Living in Spain without employment

Residency in 3 months
Right to live in Spain with your family
Visa-free travel within the Schengen area
Right to invest in Spain
Proof of sufficient economic means to live in Spain

Non Lucrative Residency

Living in Spain without employment

Residency in 3 months
Right to live in Spain with your family
Visa-free travel within the Schengen area
Right to invest in Spain
Proof of sufficient economic means to live in Spain

Who it is ideal for

  • People who want to retire in Spain.
  • Non-EU citizens who want to work remotely from Spain.
  • For those who want to stay in Spain initially without working (to visit, explore and discover the country), but who would like to continue their professional activity after one year.


  • Demonstrate that you have sufficient funds in your bank account to ensure that you can support yourself in the country without seeking employment. This is 400% IPREM + 100% IPREM for each additional applicant.
  • Private medical insurance with full coverage in Spain.
  • No criminal record, either in Spain or in your country of origin.
  • Full citizenship in the country of origin. The application begins there.
  • Not have been banned from entering the Schengen area.


  • EASY PROCESS: By demonstrating that the requirements are met, the process is streamlined and straightforward.
  • WORK REMOTELY: Although the visa does not allow you to carry out any economic activity in Spain, you can work remotely for companies located in other countries.
  • STUDY/INTERNSHIPS: You will be able to study in Spain and carry out paid internships in the territory.
  • JOINT APPLICATION: You can apply for residency for your family in the same application.
  • ACCESS TO THE SCHENGEN AREA: Visa-free access to all Schengen countries.
  • STEP PRIOR TO PERMANENT RESIDENCY AND NATIONALITY: After the first 2 renewals, you may apply for permanent residence and  later, citizenship.

“My husband is a teacher and teaches his students online and I am a writer and therefore work remotely. We wanted to become digital nomads, but we didn’t really know how to go about it and we didn’t have much idea where we wanted to start setting up seasonally. I contacted Orience through their website, and they told us about the different programs and options we had around the world. In the next few months we will apply for the non-profit visa in Spain to settle in the country for a season and continue developing our professional career from any remote location.”

T.L - Singapore