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  • Everything you need to know before buying investment property in Spain

    Everything you need to know before buying investment property in Spain

    There are usually two perspectives to look from when it comes to investing in real estate and acquiring properties. First, there are the people interested on buying a home to stablish, usually along with family, in a place they like; or to have as a vacation house. While there’s the other perspective, and that is…

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  • ¿Cómo comprar un piso o casa en España desde el extranjero?

    ¿Cómo comprar un piso o casa en España desde el extranjero?

    Las inversiones inmobiliarias han protagonizado grandes subidas y bajadas a lo largo del último año. Con el estallido de la pandemia, muchos preconizaban la explosión de una burbuja, pero la realidad que ha traído 2021 es totalmente diferente. Las grandes ciudades como Madrid o Barcelona han sido las de mayor interés para el mercado extranjero…

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  • Best way to get a Golden Visa in Europe

    Best way to get a Golden Visa in Europe

    The reasons why people from different parts of the world migrate to Europe are very diverse. While some people are looking for a better economic stability, others do it for the love of the culture of a country, while others do it for work or study. In any case, whatever the reason, Europe represents a…

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  • Are you considering to make an investment in Spain from a long distance?

    Are you considering to make an investment in Spain from a long distance?

    With the apparently ever growing usage of the internet for more and more things in our lives, doing things from a long distance is less of a problem each year; and things that were considered a dream a few hundreds could do, such as working for a company in a foreign country while staying in…

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  • El permiso de residencia en España por inversor

    El permiso de residencia en España por inversor

    La Ley de Emprendedores en España permite a inversores extranjeros obtener diferentes visas de residencia en función del tipo de proyecto que la persona quiera llevar a cabo. Los permisos de residencia en España por inversor se dividen en: Visado de Residencia para Inversores de Capital (RIC), Visado de Residencia por Adquisición de Bienes Inmuebles…

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