We are pleased to announce that Orience is a new member of the IMC Group, being the first Spanish company to be part of the group. The IMC (Investment Migration Council) is the worldwide association for investment migration and citizenship-by-investment, bringing together the leading stakeholders in the field, like lawyers, financial service practitioners, bankers, investment advisors, brokers or insurance providers, and giving the industry a voice.
One of the objectives of the IMC is to set the standards on a global level and interact with other professional associations, governments and international organizations in relation to investment migration. Moreover, the IMC helps to improve public understanding of the issues faced by clients and governments in this area and promotes education and high professional standards among its members.
For Orience International being a member of the association it means to benefit from keeping up-to-date on latest trends and developments in the field. As Oriol Molas, Orience International CEO, has explained, “additionally, obtaining the recognition from the IMC Group it is a fantastic new, which let us to demonstrate the great job we are doing and showing that we stay at the forefront of the latest industry standards and procedures”.
On the other hand, being a member of IMC Group gives to the clients and international investors the security and tranquility we are taking the right decision every moment, guide by honesty, confidentiality, integrity, ethical practice and disciplinary rules and procedures.
The IMC Group is based in Geneva and it has representative offices in New York, London and Gran Cayman and it is constituted as a non-profit association. Nowadays it is integrated by more than 20 members, which they have to apply the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
Finally, and since last year, the organization is in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.